Clinical outcome after treatment of single and multiple cartilage defects by autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis

Kelio sąnario kremzlės defektas padengtas daugiasluoksne membrana kuri fiksuota fibrino klijais2

Arthroscopic autologous matrix induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) procedure is an effective and best possible option now treating articular cartilage injuries in the knee joint. Our clinical data and first, but not the last publication with an average of 4.5 years after the AMIC arthroscopic procedures have shown, that AMIC can have a clinically relevant outcome for patients with single or multiple knee articular cartilage lesions; however, clinical outcome is superior in patients with a single defect per knee. Patients with single defects returned to previous physical activity levels significantly faster compared to patients with multiple defects. Diagnosed articular cartilage defect areas negatively correlate to clinical improvement at follow-up.

Now we are ready to publish our second manuscript with larger case series comparing arthroscopic AMIC with arthroscopic microfracture procedures. So far, we trust our data and rely on them treating our patients.


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