First time shoulder dislocation – a Novel double row arthroscopic shoulder labrum fixation
Shoulder joint instability is a very disabling pathology – young people are not able to use their shoulder in daily activities. Even more difficult if they have dislocation of the humerus. First time dislocation is the best indication to fix the torn labrum and prevent shoulder from the chronic instability and more difficult surgeries in the future.

Fig 2 A). However, during mobilization of an ALPSA lesion, it is evident that the periosteal hinge is usually absent or is collapsed and deficient. As a result, labral repair with suture anchors is dependent on rim fixation over a narrower and smaller surface area adjacent to the articular margin ( Fig 2 B). The reduction in surface area for healing of soft tissue to bone may, in part, explain the higher recurrence rates after patients return to competitive sports. Double-row suture anchor repair (similar in concept to contemporary arthroscopic methods of rotator cuff repair) has been proposed as a possible solution to improve the footprint of healing along the glenoid neck, 7 but it may be difficult to achieve within the confined space of the glenohumeral joint. We have developed a novel technique, deploying a new suture anchor that facilitates a tensioned suture bridge between anchors, that improves fixation of the labrum and contact of tissue to bone and may address this problem.